FREE workshop for Managers on May 8th 2013: ‘How to help staff make time to get the job done ’
FREE workshop for Managers on May 8th 2013: ‘How to help staff make time to get the job done ’
Following on from part 1: ‘Ongoing frustrations in the NHS – What can you do?’ We know that when working in the NHS- it’s always someone’s fault. Managers never seem to understand why I can’t do everything now- or yesterday. And I can’t seem to ever understand why they think telling me something is ‘urgent’ will […]
This blog will discuss the reality behind the recent headlines highlighting poor clinical care in the NHS. It will suggest some tips that clinicians can implement in order to work productively within this environment. Currently, the National Health Service (NHS), is in the news- like never before. In particular it concerns failing standards at Mid Staffordshire NHS […]
So, you have an idea what you want to achieve in 2013…but can’t quite put it into words… but it’s there. Does this sound familiar?
This blog will explore the difference that ‘perspective’ can have on situations in the workplace. I once read a story about two people driving along in a car; the passenger had a terrible journey- all she could see on her side was all the dirt and rubbish that littered the road. She was consumed with […]
For those of us who work in busy, hectic environments, the sound of stressed out people is everywhere!
This blog will inspire you to work around, rather than be limited by situations.
As happens in work environments where people are not only busy, but also passionate about what they do, disagreements can occur. And this is healthy. There would be something wrong if we agreed with each other all the time. Conflicts are likely to occur when people are not just busy, but overloaded and on top of […]
The Work Stress Buster has been featured in both The Guardian UK, and The Guardian, Lagos in 2012. See both entries below: The Guardian UK: Winning new business: The Work Stress Buster “‘The Work Stress Buster’ is a business designed to help busy workers maximise their productivity while minimising their pain” Lagos Guardian: Awele Odeh: Busting […]
Organisations are like systems and each part of the system is essential to the harmonious working of the whole. Another essential part of any system is feedback. There’s Internal and External Feedback; the former is within ourselves in the form of tiredness, guilt, dizziness, joy- dependent on our activity and how well we’ve been taking […]