Do Vision and Mission Statements Work?
I have worked with so many organisations which although they have mission and vision statements in place- do not actually live by or follow them. Usually the staff do not know what the company vision and mission statements are and moreover, if they do, they do not believe in them – they see their organisations’ vision and mission statements as mere lip service which have no bearing on their daily working lives.
What’s the purpose of a workplace Vision Statement?
A Vision Statement states the organisation’s overall business goals and gives the business shape and direction. A VS answers the question: Where do I see my business going? It is aspirational and helps the director and the internal team be inspired to reach the organisations’ business goals. It is future based.
What’s the purpose of a workplace Mission Statement?
A Mission Statement declares the purpose of the organisation and provides a framework and context to guide internal decision making. It states WHY the business exists, it is a clear statement which is actionable and it is present based.
Here are some examples of some top industry vision and mission statements:
Mission Statement:
The company’s vision is to be the shopper victor, by delivering brand values, which are: value for currency, superior quality, dazzling customer service, pioneering, competitively testing and fun.; to provide a quality service by motivating employees and to assist and examine consumer feedback for nonstop enhancement of the customer’s experience through improvement; to create products and services that make the customer’s life more enjoyable (Virgin Group, 2012).
Vision Statement:
Virgin vision can be defined by words of Richard Branson (1997). “We are planning a global presence in travel, mobile communications, entertainment retailing and music. We are in exciting markets which are set to benefit considerably from technological developments in distribution and fulfillment. I believe that Virgin has the opportunity to be in the top 20 of global brands.
East London and the City Mental Health Trust
Vision Statement:
To be making a positive difference to people’s lives
The Trust’s vision is to make a positive difference to people’s lives. We aim to achieve this by providing the highest quality mental health and community care to our local communities. Achieving our vision means always staying true to our values and working together as a team with our patients, carers and partners.
Mission Statement:
To provide the highest quality mental health and community care.
Vision Statement:
‘To be the most highly valued business by: the customers we serve, the communities in which we operate, our loyal and committed colleagues and of course, our shareholders.’
Mission Statement:
Tesco’s core purpose (mission) is simple:
‘We make what matters better, together.’
We can see that vision and mission statements vary from one sentence statements to much longer.
As I write this blog, I am motivated to review ‘The Work Stress Buster’ Vision and Mission Statement.
To review or write your Vision and Mission Statement, consider these pointers:
- Consider your key business values – what values do you express by how you conduct your business?
- What do you hope to achieve through your business?
- Who are your customers?
- Consider why you are in business?
- Who are the clients you are aiming to serve?
- What image do you strive to create with your business?
- What services do you provide?
- What are your values?
You can find out more information about how to develop and craft a meaningful vision and mission statement by clicking on the links given.
Writing this blog has helped me to craft and further develop my own vision and mission statements:
- The Work Stress Buster Vision Statement:
The Work Stress Buster is a thriving company that provides a bubbly yet versatile and dynamic service to meet a range of challenges facing the modern workforce.
- The Work Stress Buster Mission Statement:
The Work Stress Buster is an organisation that provides CPD Accredited Training, Therapy and Coaching for teams and individuals. We provide a highly skilled service to help workers rise above stress at work. We work best with proactive managers who are keen to help their workers avoid the pain and pressure points that lead to demoralisation at work and sickness absences. We do not work theoretically; rather we work with live workplace problems and teach tangible strategies that workers can immediately start applying so that solutions are being generated as part of the learning process. Our customers describe us as passionate and caring. And we agree.
Is my vision and mission statement working for me?
Having written this I am now charged with the responsibility of critically appraising how well my business is truthfully alligned to both statements. I shall do this by identifying the key words in each statement and then I will explain how this key word relates to my business.
Appraising The Work Stress Buster Vision Statement: I would describe my business as:
- ‘thriving’ – my business is thriving, of course I continue to have bigger goals, however I have several clients for therapy (both Occupational and Psychotherapy) and Coaching – my workload is enough for me to successfully manage. As my business continues to grow, I will utilise my associates further.
- bubbly – I am bubbly and I enjoy infusing my personality into my work; I therefore strive to create an open and friendly working environment
- dynamic and versatile – I have trained in a variety of complimentary professions which I trust means that I can provide a flexible service to holistically meet the needs of my target clients (proactive leaders and managers ad their teams)
- range of challenges facing the modern work force – having experienced stress at work (as a result of workplace bullying and harasment) – I have first hand experience of the challenges facing the modern workforce. Moreover, the strategies I teach in my CPD Accredited Self-Leadership training series are proven strategies that I and countless customers have applied to successfully address and rise above similar workplace issues.
Now; my Mission Statement:
- highly skilled – I have achieved accreditation for my trainings and I am a qualified Occupational Therapist and Psychotherapist and I am registered with the respective bodies BAOT and BACP.
- Helping workers rise above stress at work – the following testimonies say it best: ‘It was helpful to see that the stresses and frustrations of being part of and leading a busy community service can be overcome by considering all factors and alleviated by using simple tools’. — G.R. Team Leader, Health Trainers
- working with live workplace problems to begin generating solutions: ‘A valuable training event! I went away with lots of ideas and strategies to implement immediately to stop procrastinating’. — Maria Zoutsou, Health Optimisation Coach
If you have found this blog useful or you have further questions or comments, the please do use your voice!
Awele is an experienced trainer who has worked nationally and delivered training for over 300 delegates – working successfully with over 30 companies and organisations. See here for more information on the range of CPD accredited training services Awele provides.
From goal setting, and planning skills to resilience and stress management, Awele has experience designing and delivering a range of programmes. If you have particular training needs, then do enquire to see how Awele can be of support to you. Workplace stress is not something you have to live with, contact Awele and make stress at work a thing of the past.
Call Awele on 07985 440014 or 0845 054 2781 or